Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rezerection of Breaking (blog 20) In the mind of a biter

Why do biters bite-
how can they feel proud of themselves using someone elses move
in a battle
They say that imitation is a form of flattery. In the breaking 
world we call it biting and is firmly looked down on (which I 
agree with) mainly because there's no originality, self pride, 
or flattery. It's our move and we've worked hard to come up with
these moves/sets. To have someone do them and pass it off as 
their own, or for someone to call you a biter because your better
then those around you is suuuper insulting. 
I know a few people who are openly biters, and a few who I know
are biters that are not so open about it. As much as I want to
use their names I won't because it'd be rude and I could be 
potentially wrong on the people who are obvious biters (they could
have came up with the moves on their own, or their friends could
have told them something to try, etc. Etc)
So I asked them pretty much whatsup with that and this is what 
I have gathered.
People bite as a form of flattery- they think a move is just that 
dope and they want to do it. They don't view the breaking culture 
like a die hard bboy that strives to be original and progress 
through their own accord. If they can break like someone super dope
then they will be viewed as super dope. It pretty much comes down
to recognition. They want to be noticed, and now a days people 
won't say anything because they don't want to cause ripples or they
don't care. Back in the 80s and 90s if you were caught biting you
were pretty much assaulted verbally at minimum. Now with youtube 
people can find moves in other cities,states,regions, countries 
steal some moves and have people never be the wiser so they do. 
They don't want you to know they stole a move, they want you to 
flock to them and tell them how dope they are etc etc (repeating
point) and if they can gain their piers respect with breaking then
they have just skyrocketed themselves towards the top of the list 
of area bboys and gain friends recognition and potentially girls.
They don't care about using your moves in a battle because "everyone
does it" no, not everyone does it, I feel a lot of people do NOT 
do it. They haven't seen the move used in the area and that is their
chance to coin the move as their own. If no one calls em out on 
it they're safe to use it. If someone does call em out on it then 
they need to back up where they came up with it from. 

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