Saturday, November 12, 2011

Rezerection of breaking (blog 13) step 1

-my basic battle strategies
Here is just a quick list of battle strategies that I use. 
Power vs style
If someones doing power I try to do a lot of style- it has to be crisp
though, any mess ups and its GG
Sloppy vs clean
If someones being sloppy its almost like a free rd win. My goal is
then to do some nice slow tops, some super clean footwork,and then 
end it with a solid freeze combo 
(generally basic freezes-chair> baby> headstand)
Foundation vs originality
When someone does a lot of foundation, its very hard to beat because 
generally its clean, crisp, very low rate of crashing, and it makes 
for a solid rd. So I try to do a lot of original moves that way I can
take my best bet at beating them. I also through in a little power 
because a lot of people don't have clean power so it helps because it
gets a lot of crowd hype
Style vs style
There's a lot of differen't styles of dancing. If someone's 
threading, I'm doing footwork techs, if someones doing basic footwork
then I'm going to level changing footwork, if someone does rotational
moves (where there feet rotate around their body) I'm going to do 
atomic moves (where the body moves in conjunction with the feet) 
its very easy to judge A against A. But to judge A against B is harder
because it makes the judges judge you on what you did and how you did
it vs who was better then the other person.
Tricks vs foundation
If I have tricks I'm going to throw them against foundation, the more 
oooohs and ahhhs you get the more times you'll sway the judges.
Tricks vs power
It's one of those things that goes back to style vs style and comes to
who's better at their trade
Crashing vs Not crashing
This should be pretty obvious- the more you crash the more likely 
you'll lose
Crashing vs crashing
If your opponent is crashing & hard at that (for this example let's say
they're better then you and your throwing your hardest moves) your goal
when throwing your moves is when you feel yourself going down, to fall
like a leaf and make it look like you fell from grace. A major crash is
waay worse then a minor crash that you can recover.
And with the talk of crashing- if you crash- DO NOT STOP DANCING. Start
doing your footwork again at a nice slow and steady pace- speed it up 
to battle speed throw in some solid freezes or power and end it after 
you've built your set back up. This can make or break a battle. 
NEVER END with a crash, its like signing a death wish

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