Saturday, November 12, 2011

Rezerection of bboying (blog 9) art of the session

SO, every day in and day out when you go to session, its the same thing. go in, stretch, top,footwork,power, or everyone does their own thing. not too many times are practices different because people don't realize that much like lifting if you don't switch up your routine your LIMITING yourself on getting better exponentially. Your body becomes accustomed to a certain task. so if you go to the gym everyday and do situps,pushups,and bar curls, your body will eventually become accustomed to doing these exercises and you will be able to do the exercises all day because your body (again if it hasn't been beaten into your head enough already in the intro paragraph, now say it with me) "gets used to the exercise" you will be able to do your normal session for hours and hours on end without getting tired. so what are we going to do? we're going to switch up our session routines. This is a great reason why i like to take workshops, not only does this give you a new perspective on breaking or a certain concept, but it gives you different things to practice.

i would like to just reference Paranoid Android, he came to NY and did a few workshops and we got to pick his brain about a lot of things from battles to sessions, to downtime at jams. but what was most useful was that he didn't come in and teach a set, "alright, here's a move and here's how you can work it in".... NO what he taught was a different way to practice, a way to make yourself better then you were before and a way to switch up your sessions and get the best out of your practices or a supplement practice.
                  -side note- I've recently become intrigued with body builders again, not because of their unreal muscle tone, but because of their drive and motivation to continue doing what their doing for nothing besides self improvement. so another way to think of this is much like working out (which i'm going to assume your all not nearly as lazy as i am haha), when you workout you tear the muscle which causes your muscle to grow more. You need to eat protein and carbohydrates for your body to get the most of the workout. every few weeks you switch the workout to work a different part of the muscle so (again, try it out with me) your body doesn't become accustomed to the workout and you make as much growth as possible. now i believe its something like you should be getting about 55/60 grams of protein a day on average without working out. your body can only process so much protein and calories in an hour (i wanna say 25) now if your working out and looking to gain muscle growth or strength you should be looking at more protein. FOR EXAMPLE if you are 150 lbs, you should be consuming about 225 grams of protein in a day.100lbs=150 grams of protein a day 200lbs= 300 grams a day,250=375 grams a day. you can't be eating 24/7 so people use a protein shake to supplement them eating and give them much more protein during the day (not even talking cost factor either)

SO BACK TO THE MAIN GOAL (because i could talk about lifting/protein all day long)
so again, the main goal of this is to give you multiple ways to train. i won't include Paranoid Androids workshop in this because he put it together. but what i will do is elaborate on what he is open about in his posts on "the road to bc one"
*note* this is an awesome read and highly motivational and really informative, so if you have a chance to check this out and back read i'd recommend it*

Training Log
Tuesday June7th 2011
Weight training and Cardio 2 hrs.
Bboy Practice 2 hrs.- tbis is where you practice EVERYTHING you already have. every move you can think of from footwork to transitions to power to freezes ETC.
“Think Tank” 1 hr.- what you do is you try to come up with a combination of moves/transition/footwork (start with 3) that you have NEVER seen before, ever. cheating yourself on this is worthless, the point is to come up with your own original moves. and as PA said "some days you go fishing and catch monsters, other days you go and catch nothing"

Wednesday June 8th 2011
Weight Training & Conditioning 2 hrs.
Tricks & Power 1 hr.
Bboy practice 1 hr.
“Think Tank” 1 hr.
BBoy Rez's Practices
5-10 minutes of toprock (to warm the body up, its better to get the blood flowing and then stretch as opposed to letting the stretching warm you up)
stretch (and then alternate stretching with tops until i'm completely stretched out, for me it generally takes 15-20 minutes)
light power-(i recommend a power move you already have like windmills or flares. i use the power to let me know if i have to stretch more in a certain area or if im ready to session)
Warming up
start off with 5-10 minutes of footwork that you already have just to walk through the motions
EXTEND-5-10 minutes of working in new moves to your sets to prolong your sets. this is extremely useful for when your in a battle and you fuck up (lets be real it happens to everyone) thats when you put in an extra transition and do another one of your sets without resetting, that extends your set and possibly changes the outcome of the battle
2-5 minutes of freezes
now that i'm all warmed up i do all of my sets in their normal lengths (if i have 10 sets that take 5 minutes a piece i do them all)
power (i break it down into 2 sections, 1 of doing just a single power move, ie- windmills)
power part 2 (then i do combinations, that way i can gauge if i have windmill to flare that day, if you dont have the energy to do the move or your just in the mood for mill flare then dont do it. all you'll be doing is promoting ugly power and to me i'd rather have 1 pretty flare, then 10 ugly ones)
now that i've gone through my whole practice for the most part and i'm getting tired, i'd like to start winding down, this is when i do all of my experimental stuff, things that i dont have down 100 percent, or new transitions or combinations. i like to practice when i'm a little bit tired and beat down because i feel like if i cant dig down deep enough to pull the energy to do these moves at practice, they won't nearly be ready for battle when i'm hyped or if im at a practice jam where i may be tired. If the crew is in town then we usually do a 20 minute cypher or play a few games and call it a day. After that we go out and eat because we're friends, family,and crew. we eat together, party together, and practice together.

when i get more training techniques from different people i will be updating this blog or i will make a part 2


SO there's some things you can try to breakup the monotony of your practices

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